Uniting Europe's leading news organizations to advance journalistic excellence

Find out what we do
  • What we do

    Advancing journalism through collaborative approach

    At LENA, we connect leading newspapers to exchange content, expertise, and innovative approaches. In the rapidly evolving world of journalism—where digital readers are at the forefront—we also focus on sharing technological tools and publishing strategies.

  • Daily content exchange to enrich our coverage

    LENA members collaborate daily, exchanging content and knowledge through a shared platform. Each newspaper offers selected articles, and members choose those most relevant to their audiences.

  • Investigating key European issues, together

    As LENA journalists, we unite for joint research projects that tackle critical European topics. By combining our expertise and resources, we ensure deeper insights into complex issues, keeping our journalism informed and relevant.

  • Exclusive interviews with Europe’s leading voices

    LENA journalists regularly conduct joint interviews with leading politicians, prominent artists, sports stars, and business leaders. LENA offers a unique opportunity to reach a pan-European audience—thus promoting European public debate and fostering cross-border discussion.

LENA in numbers





6 million+

Print readers

90 million+

Digital readers

Our members

El País Logo
El País

World leader in Spanish digital newspapers. With newsrooms in Madrid, Barcelona, Washington, Ciudad de México, Bogotá, Buenos Aires and Santiago de Chile. The paper has over 400,000 suscribers all over the world.

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Welt Logo

One of Germany’s leading dailies, founded in 1946. Die Welt is well known for its commitment to analytical and investigative journalism and has successfully transitioned into a digital powerhouse with more than 19 million unique online users.

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La Repubblica Logo
La Repubblica

Italy’s most prominent general-interest newspaper, published in Rome and founded in 1976 by Gruppo Espresso. Known for its investigative journalism and political analysis, La Repubblica enjoys a strong reputation both in Italy and internationally.

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Le Figaro Logo
Le Figaro

The French general-interest newspaper with the longest tradition. It was founded in 1826 and remains loyal to its readership. Based in Paris, Le Figaro has undertaken an ambitious digital expansion, cementing its leadership in the French media landscape.

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Gazeta Wyborcza Logo
Gazeta Wyborcza

First published in spring 1989 Gazeta Wyborcza is one of the leading newspapers in Poland and the largest Polish opinion daily, It is an invaluable source of information for its readers and an important platform for public debate.

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Le Soir Logo
Le Soir

The most widely circulated French-language newspaper in Belgium. Its website is the go-to information source for the French-speaking community. Founded in 1887, this paper sets the standard for the country’s digital press.

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Tribune de Genève Logo
Tribune de Genève

Among Switzerland’s most established French-language newspapers, Tribune de Genève and 24 heures have served their respective regions for over a century. They are known for their deep local coverage and investigative journalism.

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Tages Anzeiger Logo
Tages Anzeiger

One of the most influential German-language newspapers in Switzerland, Tages-Anzeiger was founded in 1893 in Zurich. Known for its in-depth reporting and analysis, the newspaper offers readers comprehensive coverage of Swiss and global affairs.

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